The Scholarly Innovation Lab is the home base for Digital Humanities Research Accelerator and related capstone courses.
The Digital Humanities Research Accelerator program provides support for faculty research and offers mentorship opportunities for graduate students. The program brings together graduate Research and Instructional Technology Consultants (RITCs) and faculty, HumTech, OARC, and the Library to help develop faculty-led digital research projects.
This program provides a structured opportunity for graduate students to actively engage in digital scholarship as part of a research team while receiving mentorship and training in digital research skills, including project development and management, prototype development, computational methods, publishing, and grant writing.
For faculty members, this program offers the chance to develop a project for grant funding, move an existing project forward, and incorporate a graduate student on your research team. By combining faculty mentorship, skills development workshops, and monthly group check-ins, the program will foster cohorts of graduate students who have experience in applied digital humanities research project development.
If you have questions about the program or are interested in submitting a project please email sil@ucla.edu

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