Introduction to Network Graphs: Formatting Your Data

Network analysis facilitates the study of things (or “nodes”) and their connections to one another (called “edges”). Whether you’re exploring relationships in literary, social, or correspondence networks, network graphs help disentangle relationships. In this workshop, we’ll cover the basics of network analysis, the types of graphs you can create, where you can find formatted datasets, potential tools to build networks, recommended readings, a review of network analysis projects, and how you measure importance in a network. The hands-on portion of the workshop will focus on how to structure data to create both nodes and edges sheets for input into network analysis software (Cytoscape). This Workshop will be offered via Zoom. If you're registered, you'll receive the Zoom invitation information the day before the Workshop.
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A Hands-on Introduction to Literate Programming

A fundamental challenge for open science is how best to share the code and data used to produce the analysis, tables, and figures contained in a publication. Fortunately, new tools are emerging to address this problem. This workshop will introduce a solution that utilizes widely used open source components. We’ll create a “compilable” document containing text and bibliography, as well as all the code needed to create the graphs and tables. We’ll demonstrate how the process facilitates making revisions when data changes or in response to reviewer recommendation and the ease with which work can be shared pre or post publication. The following tools will be introduced: * RStudio * Markdown * Zotero * BibTex * GitHub Registration is required:
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